How to escape the simulation
If we are all living life in a simulated reality, is there any way out? Although the escape might not be physically possible, transcendence is the answer.
Many people dismiss simulation theory and its advocates like they are some kind of revolutionaries. Because the belief is hard to prove, many think that believers act like they’re superior or have some kind of secret inside knowledge. However, today’s advances in technology make it a theory gaining credibility all the time.
If we are all inside a reality comprising of information made up of bits and are essentially playing out our lives as digital avatars, surely a way out seems improbable?
As many of the masters (of various disciplines) taught, transcendence could be the solution. So how does one go about it?
The spiritual journey towards enlightenment is the way. The closer you get to this realization, the more the chains will start to break off. You will see that the limitations imposed by the simulation are a result of education, conditioning and the system. That encompasses politics, culture and religion. Essentially everything we know is part of the system (the Matrix) designed to keep us enslaved or trapped.
Why though? Maybe those equipped with this knowledge, posited by Neville Goddard, want to keep power and influence concentrated or centralized.
Once you see that you have the power to shape the reality around you and are only confined by your limiting beliefs do things make sense. We have all been conditioned and programmed from a very early age to conform to the system. We have been turned into consumers who are taught to believe that something external is going to fix what is lacking within. Nothing ever works for a sustained period of time. That is, until you fundamentally change your mindset and understand that your imagination holds the key.
‘The power of assumption’, a concept presented by Goddard, is important to understand. What you assume to be true will manifest in your external reality. If your belief set is governed by the system, you will be enslaved by it. The external reality and our perception of it comes from within. Change needs to take place on a conscious level.
Fear in particular keeps control and order of the masses. It feeds the ego, drains your vitality and makes you feel suffocated. Once you learn to unplug from the system and your external environment, the ascent can begin. By putting less attention on ego can you begin to detach and then create.
The media is constantly promoting the idea that something is lacking. It creates division among us when in reality we exist as part of the same conscious system. We should encourage others to ‘break free’ and realize that separation is only an illusion. The world mirrors how we feel about it, so we should be conscious of what we are influenced by.
Remember, you are the master of your own destiny and it starts with a simple shift in mindset. Meditation is one of the first practical steps to breaking free. It can be amplified with soundwaves (check out the Solfeggio scale) and other techniques which we will discuss in later posts.
The fact that we likely live in a simulation should be celebrated, not frowned upon. Once you understand the rules of the game, you can make the world a place of abundance and joy if you learn how to play it right. That starts with a shift in perception through at the base level, consciousness. Choose wisely where you put your energy and attention, and stay present.
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