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The agents of the Matrix – the archons

Following on from earlier this week, we discussed Don Juan’s ‘predator’ entities, but how could this relate in terms of simulation theory? Let’s dig in a little more.

For context, it would be helpful to read the last article here. Don Juan, a legendary character in the books of Carlos Castaneda, is a practical-minded sorcerer. Seeing into ‘the active side of infinity’, Don Juan has the ability to read energy fields and things usually imperceptible to the eye.

What Don Juan and sorcerers with similar gifts could perceive is quite disturbing.  Labeled ‘the predators from the depths of the cosmos’, Don Juan describes a parasitic entity that sucks the life force out of humans beings. Whether he was being metaphorical is a different question. Some understand him to be describing the ego, the low-levels of consciousness most humans relate to. Others, however interpret Don Juan’s findings to be more literal.

In Gnostic tradition, the archons were “malevolent, sadistic beings who controlled the earth, as well as many of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of humans”. This description aligns with Don Juan’s version of the predator.

Gnosticism is a religion that came into being around the 1st century AD among early Jewish and Christian sects. They believed in the the idea of one supreme God which eventually led to the inadvertent creation of a lesser, flawed God, the Demiurge. This entity is believed to have created the material world. The archons were the grotesque understudies of the Demiurge, tasked with enforcing the integrity of the system and feeding off of lower vibrational human energies, namely fear.

The archons in the context of simulation theory could be akin to the agents from the Matrix film. The agents are tasked with conserving the order of the Matrix and have the ability to possess humans at will. The Demiurge could be likened to the Architect, the creator of the material world but not the ultimate all-ruling God. The Architect only had control over the Matrix and its various iterations.

These parasitic entities, archons or agents, are like algorithms in the simulation. As Don Juan said of the predators, they are ‘highly organized and smart’ but are also in a constant state of fear of their own demise. Don Juan said ‘they gave us their minds’, which suggests that all our pre-programmed beliefs and perceived limitations are what keeps us trapped in the simulation (or Matrix).

The answer to the agents, the archons or the predators, is actually relatively simple. Being disciplined, as mentioned before, and choosing the spiritual path is the way forward.

When you understand that these sophisticated predators engineer pain and misery, generate hallucinations and negativity for their own sustenance, you start to see through the veil. Separation from the ego and self creates a connection to spirit and the divine, which is your shield against the predators. As Don Juan said, high vibrations and a connection to the spirit is ‘outside of their cognition’.

Think about that in terms of being trapped in the Matrix. You can escape pain and suffering but, like Neo, you have to be ready to take the red pill. Morpheus can only show Neo the door. It’s the spiritual journey, or as Don Juan would say, the forging of the warrior’s spirit. You can defeat the predators. You can escape the Matrix.

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