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Dan Goler claims to have found code in the simulation

Dan Goler has recently been making headway in the simulation theory community after his observations of actual code present through a diffracted laser.

I came across Dan’s work like most people, through a reel that went viral. The video features Dan Goler, who claims that through taking DMT (often referred to as ‘the molecule’) and using a diffracted laser projected onto a surface, actual code similar to what was depicted in ‘The Matrix’ can be seen.

Normally, because it involves the use of a drug, this kind of theory would be rubbished in the scientific community. It’s obviously a little harder to fly given the controversial nature of DMT or any altered-state inducing molecule. However, what stands out about Dan’s claim is the rigidity of his proposal.

While normally visuals are somewhat transient and inconsistent in an altered state of consciousness, Dan’s experiment is unique because of the consistency of what people who test it observe. On his website,, Dan sells the laser required to conduct the experiment and gives a practical guide on how to do it.

Dan claims to have involved over 100 people in his experiment who all see the same thing. While Dan has claimed the discovery could change humanity, there are still those who downplay its gravity, such as Andrew Gallimore, a respected neuro-biologist based in Tokyo. Andrew argues that it is DMT itself that is the revelation, not so much Dan’s observation.

Despite the apparent discord, Dan often downplays any sensationalism or egocentricity and explains why it’s such an important observation that needs further investigation. Check out his videos on YouTube.

Dan has been featured on several podcasts and has a significant understanding of physics, simulation theory and altered states of consciousness. We will write more about this developing story as more information comes to light. Dan has a interesting documentary that is in the works.

For the basic premise of his experiment and to understand more, check out the video below:

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