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Game over: how will the simulation end?

We often ponder the nature of reality and with that have a looming fear of death in the background. What might cause the simulation itself to end, not for us as individuals but as a collective? Let’s consider.

If the simulation, or reality, is bound to computational limitations as is suggested by the speed of light (based on electromagnetism), it could be that errors or glitches may start to happen which could lead to a shut down of the system. A resource exhaustion would likely cause a dramatic event which could result in a great reset.

Given as well there is a computer of sorts (at least in our understanding) powering this reality, it is therefore subject to potential external hacks or malicious interference.

The creator, or administrator, may also just completely lose interest and pull the plug, perhaps even transporting our consciousness to another realm altogether (if we are lucky).

An AI takeover is also not out of the realm of possibilities. It might be that our existing simulation is AI controlled already, and that each branch of simulation (a simulation within simulation and so on) eventually suffers the same fate. This is discussed in Reality+ by David Chalmers.

If the simulation has a purpose and is testing a variable, then once that anomaly is known, there may no longer be a need to run this branch of the simulation. If we no longer provide entertainment and the simulator gets bored, it could also spell the end.

There are so many possibilities here, and as you see, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Check out the video below where Chalmers and deGrasse Tyson among others discuss these issues, having a laugh in the process.

Another, and even more pertinent issue, could be the component parts of the system (humanity) waking up to the nature of reality. By becoming conscious of ourselves may be reason to end the simulation. The illusion will then be difficult to maintain.

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