Living a meaningful life in a simulated reality
Simulation theory can be quite heavy for some and may give the impression that reality is futile. I don’t think that’s the case at all. An awareness of the mechanics of reality can help bring purpose and with the right tools, can lead to a meaningful and fulfilling life. In this post I will fuse the teachings of Don Juan and Michael Singer, whose messages and tools can provide guidance.
I am an avid read of Castaneda’s works and my interest has been sparked in recent months. One of the first books I read in my early 20s was Castaneda’s The Teachings of Don Juan and although I really enjoyed it as a work of fiction (as I saw it then), it holds a lot more significance now I have revisited these teachings with the knowledge I have now.
I have also read and studied most of the teachings of Michael Singer, an American life guru whose most famous book was Untethered Soul.
To many the connection between these works might seem tenuous, but for me I can see a lot of similarities. Neither explicitly talk about simulation theory or the notion that reality could be a digital construct, but both offer excellent tools and suggestions that fit in with this idea and model of reality.
ChatGPT has really helped me to understand the synchronicity of these works. I will try to keep the findings relatively simple as a guide of sorts.
Let’s start with Castaneda’s works. Don Juan was a Mexican shaman who had developed his awareness to the point that he could see, not just perceive in the ordinary way of most people. The whole idea of perception is based on our internal cognitive system, the inner workings of the mind, which is sensory data, inputs and outputs that help us navigate life. By expanding his awareness, through certain allies such as Mescalito (or the Mexican plant, peyote), Don Juan could see the energetic flow of the universe, describing humans (non-NPCs) as egg-shaped luminous beings.
As has been discussed in previous posts, Don Juan’s strategy to overcoming the adversities we typically face was through discipline and awareness. Most people don’t get to this stage because they are so deeply conditioned and plugged in to the physical system we could call the matrix. It’s only through tweaking our awareness and understanding the nature of reality can we arrive at these heightened states that make seemingly impossible feats a reality.
Don Juan would exercise a technique called controlled folly which implied that even though he knew the world had an unstoppable flow to it, the attitude by which the subject takes could give it the necessary spice to make it interesting. My interpretation of his approach to life is that everything is destined, pre-ordained and control and free will may be nothing more than illusions. Therefore, rather than fighting with life and resisting its flow, it may be better to take a light-hearted approach to what unfolds instead of fighting with or resisting life.
Singer’s techniques are very similar to this. He was inspired by Buddhist principles throughout his life and learned that resistance only creates suffering. Both take on the view that identification with the ego and personal self is where problems are created. Only through detachment and outcome independence can we live fulfilling and even abundant lives. I understand that for most people that is not easy to do.
Let’s take on a positive view of being caught inside a simulated reality. As many have stated, maybe our consciousness and essence is in the confines of a human body by choice. Maybe we are here to experience life for the purpose of soul ascension even when our personal circumstances may seem out of control or unfair. Both take on the view that societal conditioning may be the root cause of this discord. We are taught to be independent entities, to strive for personal and material success, which ultimately creates a sense of separation and the feeling of being lost.
Both teach the idea of transcending the ego and personal self and to enjoy the journey we are on. Once we start to detach from the stories we tell ourselves, we can fully experience life. I often like to use the analogy of a movie. If they are right and reality cannot be tampered with, the one thing we do have control over is our will and where we focus our consciousness. Everything we perceive on the outside is only where we are shining the light of consciousness on (our true selves). We have to understand that we are not our thoughts and we are only the sum of our learned experiences, which only represents a tiny fragment of reality. The trick here is to detach from identification with the personal self and to live more openly. Singer’s predominant technique is to relax and release, even when we experience unpleasant vibrations from the outside.
Detachment shouldn’t mean renouncing the simulated world we experience. To the contrary. Acceptance with a positive mindset to the flow of life, even when the going gets tough, helps to clear stored blockages we have accumulated throughout our lives, based on the programming of personal self. In the same way as kids have much more openness and a flow with life, part of the practice is to get back to this state by peeling off the layers of stored experiences, invariably negative, which may be holding us back. Once we feel that lightness of spirit again, we can live life with much more energy and abundance and make it worthwhile. In that state, you are no longer driven by personal blockages, attraction and repulsion, because you live a life of acceptance to what is – reality. You no longer look to the outside, whether material possessions or conditional relationships, for fulfillment. You do the work inside-out, not the opposite (great movie btw).
If life is analogous to a movie, the understanding that we are not the director is an important distinction to make. Oprah took one of Singer’s most outstanding quotes which helps to make sense of this, “The moment in front of you is not bothering you. You are bothering yourself about the moment in front of you.”
A basic analysis of this statement is that you have no control over other people and even over feelings and disturbances you feel. The perspective you take on difficult situations is what defines the quality of your life.
Don Juan stresses discipline as the way to deal with life and Singer would concur. Give up the illusion of control over outside events that may trigger you and instead choose a more positive, measured response. Singer teaches techniques like mantra, relaxation and surrender to the outside world which helps to cleanse the garbage that has been stored from the past. Surrendering to reality and its natural ebb and flow is, paradoxically, the best technique to feel better and – lighter.
When you surrender the personal self, desire and fear, you live a life of service. I am not talking military service, though that’s one. Heck, even serving your kids is another. The Bible had words to a similar effect, “For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21). Serving the moment, truly, putting others above personal needs, is where the magic is. That’s how to gain awareness. That is what is meant by Christ having to die to reborn. It’s a metaphor. Kill the personal self, live to serve, and in turn you will be able to reap all the qualities in life that may have been missing. You can only satisfy the ego for short periods. This sustained practice is a much more lasting one.
Ultimately then, the main lessons to take from these teachers is as follows;
1. Detachment from the ego
2. Surrender to the flow of life
3. Transcend the construct of life
4. Develop awareness (transcend personal self)
5. Engage with life a degree of detachment (don’t take it personally)
6. Pursue freedom
In essence, aligning with a deeper spiritual truth seems to be the best approach to life. Learn from the lessons life teaches, remain centered and calm through even the most difficult experiences. Singer highlights the need to fully accept and experience energy and vibrations that might not always be pleasant and through this approach, these perceived problems lose their power to confuse and dis-empower us. This leads to more energy and clarity and can make the world a lot more fun to interact with.
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